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How Do I Post Anything In Blogger?

 How Do I Post Anything In Blogger?

Before posting your first blog post, check that your social links are working. Copy your new blog post URL and paste it into any URL shortcut offered by Analytics such as Bitly, Owly or Cligs. This step can be used to apply links to Twitter in addition to analytics and click tracking with many URLs shortening services. Therefore, posting abbreviated URLs on your social pages is a smart strategy.

  • ClearVoice
  • ClearVoice
  • Content-based
  • Develop ideas
  • Blogging platform 


According to , listicles are the most common type of social media content across 14 industries. Listicles use a subheading to break down a blog post into individual parts to help readers skim and digest your content. As you can see in the following example from our blog, a list offers various tips and methods for solving a problem. 


If you want to transform an old post into a vlog, go through your posts and pick the main topic that will help your audience solve the problem they want to solve. Write a blog post to inform your readers about the latest trends and copy them. Then write another blog post, promote it with a social campaign and share your best writing tips.

Start writing

Before you start writing your blog post, ensure you have a clear understanding of your target audience. Consider what you know about your buyer personalities and their interests before you come up with a topic for your blog posts. If you are participating in bloghops, blog roundups or carnival, you can write a blog post on this topic.


It goes a bit higher if you have a content-based website that includes research or educational blogs. One of the trickiest parts is the inclusion of the various links in the blog entry, where the content and calls for action are somewhat blurred. You can add multiple links per paragraph in a blog post while you go along. 


Some bloggers organize blogs or carnivals with an overarching theme. You may want your navigation menu to be at the top of your blog, some bloggers may display categories, you may want words like "Recipes" or "Projects" in your navigation menu so people can click on those words, or you may want each page to display posts on a topic. 

Introduction should

For example, your introduction should hook the reader in and make them continue to read your article. To keep things straight and clear, move away from a particular call to action and include links that support the core article or topic and contribute to its depth and credibility.

Cover them

Many people try too much in their blog posts to cover them all, but from a reader's point of view they can be difficult to consume and implement. Michael Pozdnev's blog post on BFF Commenters is a good example of how to go beyond an idea. Before you write a blog post, find out what the topic of the blog post is, what strategies or strategies you want to include, and make sure you try them.

Develop ideas

If you are reading this blog post, you want to develop ideas for new and better blog posts. Ideas for great contributions are no guarantee for readers, subscribers or leads. But I think that will help you if you plan to put together a huge list of great blog ideas to get you out of the doldrums.

Completed a blog

Once you have completed a blog post on a topic, now is the perfect time to do a quick search for other blog posts related to the topic. You will find that you have to follow the blog posts that receive many clicks. If you have an e-newsletter, you should include at least some of your blog content.


This simple syndication method allows you to feed your blog content in many different places, including many social networks. Slidesharing blog posts can help promote your Slideshare in this sense so that they can generate a steady stream of visitors. One of the most powerful and misunderstood mechanisms for a blog is its RSS feed.


It is a small program that you can download to your computer for free and that allows you to write and publish a blog post when your blog is finished. You can sit down and write a whole draft in one session or you can tick it off over time.

Important reasons

One of the most important reasons to include images in your blog post is to resolve the text. Often people do not have the time or ability to focus on a longer blog post without visual stimulation. In a format where a text-only blog post is likely to get your readers screaming on Reddit or Twitter within minutes, it's important to include an image in your post.

Blogging platform 

Google's free blogging platform Blogger doesn't offer the ability to stick a post to the top of the blog, but there are some workarounds. You might forget to include a section describing, for example, how the post handles optimizing blog posts for SEO. I intended to write this section when I looked at my first draft, but as I emerged, I realized that it was a substantial topic that needed to be addressed in a contribution. 

Personal experience

I can tell you from personal experience that my first blog post I was worried that it would be scary to choose a topic, but I overcame that fear and started writing.

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